Hi! I am Wenyuan Xu, a second-year Ph.D. student at Aarhus University, advised by Anders Møller. Previously, I was an Security Engineer at Alibaba Security Department. I spent my happy undergraduate and graduate years at Yangzhou University and Nanjing University.

I have a strong interest in Program Analysis and Software Security.

  • Program Analysis
  • Software Security
  • Philosophy
  • PhD in Program Analysis, 2022

    Aarhus University

  • Msc in Software Engineering, 2018

    Nanjing University

  • BSc in Network Engineering, 2014

    Yangzhou University

Recent & Upcoming Events

  • (2024.05) Our paper titled “Reducing Static Analysis Unsoundness with Approximate Interpretation” got accepted in PLDI 2024. See you in Copenhagen!
  • (2023.09) I will attend PLISS 2023 soon!
  • (2023.05) Our team won the 1st place in ChalmersGU-KTH-Aarhus CTF competition!
  • (2022.08) I will be a Ph.D. Student at Computer Science Department at Aarhus University!

Recent Publications

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Service & Teaching


  • Compiler, 2022 Autumn


Ph.D. Student (in CASA, Advisor: Anders Møller)
August 2022 – Present Aarhus, Denmark
Security Engineer
August 2020 – July 2022 Hangzhou, China
Graduate Student in Software Engineering (in iSE Lab, Leader: Zhenyu Chen)
September 2018 – July 2020 Nanjing, China
Undergraduate Student in Network Engineering (in RiSAME Group, Leader: Xiaobing Sun)
September 2014 – June 2018 Yangzhou, China


Jelly is a static analyzer for performing call graphs construction, library usage pattern matching, and vulnerability exposure analysis for JavaScript (and TypeScript) programs that use the Node.js platform.
ML-based SAST
ML-based-SAST is a tool that uses program slicing and BLSTM network to reduce the false positives during taint analysis.
ML-based SAST

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